Whole Foods, a.k.a. My Happy Place

Went to Whole Foods early this morning to get all my groceries for our 28-Day Meal Plan that starts tomorrow. I love Whole Foods…it is like Disney Land for Health Conscious Foodies! Yes, there is a reason my they call it “Whole Paycheck”. Some things can be VERY pricey, especially the salad bar/hot food items…pile something heavy like hummus on your plate and your little trip to the salad bar can set you back $15! But if you shop carefully, mindfully, and with a plan then you can enjoy all the awesomeness of this magical place (or any grocery store for that matter) without breaking the bank or stressing yourself out. It is also important to remember that while it feels like you are shelling out a lot for groceries, you will actually be saving money by eating at home and packing all your lunches and snacks. Take a look at your budget, do the math, the proof is in the (home-made) pudding, as they say.

A Few Grocery Shopping Tips:

  • Go with a plan! BEFORE you even set foot in the store, take a few moments to plan out some meals and make a shopping list. This will help you stay on track and focused. Your trip will be less stressful, more efficient, and you’ll spend less.
  • Shop during off-hours…this means avoiding the after-work witching-hour madness or the mid-day weekend crazies. I like early morning, some people prefer late at night or mid-day on the week-days. Shopping during peak hours is hectic, unpleasant, and stressful – especially if you are bringing the kids along!
  • Don’t shop when you are starving! If you go shopping when you’re hungry, EVERYTHING will look delicious. Not necessarily ideal for your bank account or your waistline. But I personally don’t like to go when I’m too full either. I think shopping when you’re totally full isn’t as productive or fun.
My Groceries

Our cat Ginger inspects my groceries

After I got home, I also spent a few moments prepping some food for the week. Being a mom of two, with a full-time job and a part-time job, being organized and prepared is key to staying sane. Having healthy foods ready to go for me and the kids makes life easier when things get busy during the week.

Food Prep

Steamed broccoli and Okinawan sweet potatoes, hard-boiled cage-free omega eggs

I’m pumped for our program and ready to kick things off tomorrow with Egan’s Slow Burn Monday bootcamp class at 5:30am! Stay tuned for one more post coming later tonight…until then, enjoy this hilarious video about Whole Foods:

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